What is one to do with a darling, scruffy little mutt that has suffered through SO much when their patience begins to run out? Mitzi was adopted in October, most unexpectedly....and despite our best efforts, the submissive urination just won't end. We have to keep her outdoors most of the time. When indoors, she has to wear doggie diapers -- yes, they really DO make those!
It's rare one of us can step outside to greet both our pooches & Mitzi remains dry. She's happy to see us -- it's not fear by any means, but she makes a huge puddle. If something startles her (which the simplest of things do), she makes a huge puddle. If she is frightened or intimidated, she makes a huge puddle. It's not fun & I do not appreciate changing doggie diapers daily. *sigh*
We did tons of research on the subject of submissive urination in dogs. In the dog kingdom, it stems from insecurity and is their way of showing the dominant force RESPECT......I'll tell you what -- respect me LESS and urinate on my floor LESS, please. The urination happens indoors and outdoors. We have followed all the rules & it goes nowhere. Surely in 3 months, SOME improvement should be seen? We see it in other areas with her -- she's intelligent, she's loving -- but the pee-pee thing, she is not getting over & it sucks! We are trying every trick, every recommendation & it's not getting better. We have had her evaluated by the vet to make sure there was no medical issue. She's fine there.
It's not all bad.....Mitzi-Mae is very loving & sweet, although she has had some barky, nasty moments at home when new people come to visit. Not cool, but easier to understand than the urinary problem. She has gradually slowed down with her eating, knowing no one is going to steal her food, as what may have happened her 10+ months in a rescue shelter with 20+ other dogs. She gets along well with Frankie most of the time -- but he does get annoyed with her when she steals his bed. I know there is a smart dog in there somewhere.....
We have fleeting moments where Mitzi is a "real dog", meaning her tail is wagging, the ears are cocked ever-so cutely beside her tiny face & she's running & jumping in the yard.....then, you just look at her & fear comes over her....the tail goes down wraps up under her female parts, the ears slick back in terror & she cowers, often with urine flowing out. It's horrible. It's sad. Her prior owner surely did not treat her well that she has SO much fear. He or she must have been a real stellar human being for beating up on an 8 pound pup! Makes me sick.
I feel like a quitter if I return her to the rescue group, but honestly, I don't know how much more I can tolerate. Maybe she needs someone who is home more & can work with her more often than I can? She's darling & funny & loving....but such a handful & seriously, our patience is wearing very thin for keeping her for the long haul, I'm sad to say. *sigh* Stay tuned........but if anyone has the time & patience of a Saint, by all means, give us a call & perhaps we can work out a transfer??? We need help. I don't even think the Dog Whisperer could fix this tiny creature....
Never having been through this myself, at least not with a dog, I can't say that I know what you are going through. What I can say, is that while to you three months has been a long time, perhaps she needs just a few more to know for certain that she is where she is going to stay for the "long haul."
I understand your frustration, but do think long and hard before you give her up. I DO know what I speak of where this is concerned...Shortly after Daniel was born I gave away our cat, Quincy after having him for about 3months because, like you, I was tired of all of the "issues" that were connected with getting him to "get with the program." I can honestly say, that that night I cried for that cat in a way that I don't think I have ever cried over any of my pets with the exception of Sunset (our cat before Quincy). So great was my dispair that Will actually contacted the person I gave him to brought him back home and that cat has hands down been THE best cat ever. Maybe all Mitzi needs is just a bit more time. GOOD LUCK!!
Oh and by the way, when I wrote, "at not with a dog," I was referring to the constant changing of diapers. I don't have a child out there somewhere that I gave up years ago that you don't know about. :)
thanks D! We'll probably give it more time, but it's tough....and she shit in our living room last night after being outside ALL day. The doggie diapers don't block the poop shoot. *sigh* She has not crapped in the house in like 2 months!
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